Executive Council shall be composed of President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Membership Secretary, Recording Secretary Treasurer, Immediate Past President, Special Counselor to the President, Faith Endorsers, Regional Managers, National Faith Representatives, Chairs of Standing Committees, and Past Presidents Council. The President can also request other committee representatives to attend the Executive Council. This group conducts business at national meetings.
Executive Committee shall consist only of the national officers—President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and, Immediate Past President. This group conducts business between national ACCA conferences and meetings.
Rev. Dr. Norma Gillom, President
Rev. Dr. Teresa S McIlwain Vice President
Rev. Dr. Tosha Jones Secretary
Major, Dale Hale Chief Financial Officer
Rev. Deacon John Tomandl Chancellor
Rev. Dr. David Young Chief Information officer, Publication
Encourage ACCA members to publish articles in professional journals or publications of any kind Review and update all communication handouts annually. Stimulate research in correctional chaplaincy. Serve as a clearing office for collection, analysis, and distribution of existing research in correctional chaplaincy.
Honorable Helen G. Corrothers, U.S. Sentencing Commission (ret.) Advisor
Deacon John Tomandl also serves as Media Manager, Zoom, web page, Facebook page and Photo Shots
Deacon Rev. John Tomandl Northeast Regional Manager
Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont; the District of Columbia; the Maritime Provinces; and the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec
Sylvia Mosley East Central Region Manger
Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, and West Virginia.
Rev. Dr. David Young Northwest Regional Manager
Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming; the Canadian
province of British Columbia
Rev. Leo Brown South Central Regional Manger
Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas.
Vacant West Central Region — Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska; the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan
Vacant Southwest Region — Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah.
Higher Education The higher Education committee is a combination of Research, Planning and Development Committee, Certification Committee and Continuing Education Committee
Planning and Development, Design curriculum and training opportunities for membership at both national and regional meetings, including a distribution system of electronic media and video recording of A.C.A. and A.C.C.A. workshops and webinars
Certification A. The Certification Committee will be composed of a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson and six (6) members all appointed by the President. B. The Committee will meet twice a year at each of the national meetings pre COVID -19. Post COVID 2020-23 The Certification Committee will meet via Zoom, in the regional meeting face to face, and Summer National Meeting. C. The quorum necessary for an Interview Committee will be three (3) Certification Committee members, one of whom will be the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson. An exception may be the Chair or vice-chair with (2) ACCA certified members. D. Duties of the Chairperson 1. To read and review all applications for certification and inform applicants of all the necessary forms and fees for certification. 2. To review all completed forms, determining that all forms are present and correctly completed. 3. To check with all the committee members to ascertain that a quorum will be present for the interviews of applicants. 4. To inform the applicants and committee members of the times and places of the interviews. 5. To inform each applicant, in a timely manner, of the results of the decision of the certification Committee. E. Duties of the Vice-Chairperson 1. To assume the duties of the Chairperson when necessary. 2. To chair the interview committee in the absence of the Chairperson. F. Duties of members 1. To review all for forms of applicant prior to the interview
Continuing education CPE Units through Rev. Dr. Soomee Kim, ACPE Certified Educator Executive Director of Center for Integrative Pastoral Practice (CIPP)
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM)
The United Methodist Church (UMC)
Prayer Breakfast: Organize a Prayer Breakfast for both the winter ACA/ ACCA conference and the Summer Congress of Corrections.
Hospitality: Fellowship Dinner for all member of ACCA attending the conferences Summer and winter.
Awards COP The American Correctional Chaplains’ Association (ACCA) has established this award to give recognition to creative, effective, outcome-based chaplaincy programs. The award is presented annually at the summer Congress of Correction.
A Chaplaincy Offender Program is defined as one in which a chaplain has duties that are important in the operation of an effective program that is making a positive difference in the lives of offenders in an institution or in community supervision.
Nominating Committee
Northeast region: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont; the District of Columbia; the Maritime Provinces; and the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec
1.Malachia Brantley. Jr, New Jersey,
2.John Tomandl, New York
East Central: Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, and West Virginia.
3.Sylvia Mosley, Ohio
Northwest: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming; the Canadian province of British Columbia
4.David Young
Southeast: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and Tennessee.
5.Sheila Hubbard, TN
6.Johnny Frambo, Sr. Florida Director or Religious Services
7.Prinn Deavens North Carolina,
South Central Arkansas: Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas.
8.Leo Brown regional manager Oklahoma
9.Vance Drum, Past President Texas
Thursday to Sunday January 6-9Phoenix, AZThursday to Sunday August 4-7New Orleans, LA
Friday to Tuesday
January 27-31
Marriott World Center
Orlando, FLThursday to Sunday August 3-6Philadelphia, PA
Thursday to Tuesday January 4-9Washington DC Gaylord National HarborThursday to Tuesday August 15-20Nashville, TN
Thursday to Tuesday January 9-14Orlando Convention Center and HyattThursday to Tuesday August 21-26Denver, CO
2026 Thursday to Tuesday February 5-10Long Beach, CA Thursday to Tuesday August
20-25 Chicago,IL
2027 TBD TBD Thursday to Tuesday August
19-24 Columbus,OH